Monday, 31 October 2016

The Second Ship - Star Destroyer

The Star Destroyer was fairly easy to create with the main body being made of a single cube just being constantly stretched, cut, and extruded in places so that it looked somewhat like a Star Destroyer. I found it easier to fence off a part of the ship with the Multi-Cut tool to create what I wanted to extrude or manipulate and then delete the cuts I had made around the manipulated part of the ship, this helped keep the ship tidy.

I did have a problem late on when trying to move verticies to get the shape how I wanted to but this was solved by moving them step by step, a little slow I must admit but this could have been sorted by moving the verticies into place before starting on any detail of the ship.

I found that if you hold control with the Multi-Cut tool you can cut entirely around an object, this worked well when creating the engines as after finding this out, my engines looked allot better than the one on my Tie Fighter. The smaller engines are just smaller versions of the larger engines and the cooling fins on the back were made with several cuts. Another thing I found while trying to create the cooling fins was that the precision divisions using the Multi-Cut tool would get smaller and smaller due to that edge getting smaller and smaller, the divisions tool didn't work linearly like I would have liked to so I had to use the Multi-Cut tool in a non precise manner, to which I didn't like.

I made a mistake with an extrusion that I didn't notice til much later and couldn't undo it because I had already gone too far ahead with the model, for this I decided to delete the face and use the fill hole tool, this didn't work but a friend recommended that I try and use the bridge tool with 0 divisions as this was the same thing, this worked as I wanted it to and filled the hole without any problems.

When having to make more precise cuts (ones down to 5% divisions) I used the sniper mode on my mouse which immensely lowered the DPI on it so that I could move what I wanted allot more precisely, this was a massive help and I think it would have taken me allot longer to do these bits without this feature.

When moving onto the final part, the spheres at the top of the ship, I used the combine feature to combine the body and engines together so that they would stay in the exact position on the ship when the ship was moved.

The extrusion shortcut Control+E helped speed up the creation of this model as I wasn't having to look for the correct menu each time.

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