The house model was fairly easy to create, the tutorial for it was really simple and it got me used to the basic control scheme used within Maya.
I learnt about the basic tumble control and zoom control for the camera, basic shape creation, resizing aspects of the shapes, each of the different modes to manipulate and object and editing different parts of the object ie edges, faces, vertices and the object itself.
Creating the first division was a piece of cake as I understood that I didn't want to create divisions exponentially but in a linear fashion. Creating the second divisions however caused problems but this was quickly solved as I realized that when I had pressed "Add Divisions" it flipped back to the old divisions page where it was already edited so if I tried to edit that the shape would warp in a funny way.
The windows were a little struggle to create as when trying to extrude the divisions, the windows went through the house, I found out that trying to highlight what you want to edit will also pick up everything on the other side of the object so that was my problem when extruding the windows.
After the divisions were created I pulled the house up using the extrusion tool and then started to make divisions on the roof so that I could pull that out. After a little trial and error I noticed that I can move and delete both vertices and edges instead of just faces so that helped me move everything round to how I wanted it. After all the vertices and edges were aligned how I wanted them I again used the extrusion tool to pull up the roof, creating a rather nice looking house without a door and two windows.
I added a door using the divisions tool and moved the divisions closer to create a door shape, added a window using the bevel tool and added a door handle using a cylinder object. The door handle wouldn't stay in position when moving the house so this is something I would need to learn later on for getting models to stick together in the future.
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