I did struggle with the modelling due to not being artistic in any sense but I am going to fully attempt this.
I have been looking into tutorials on basic animation via Maya and most things seem to focus on the use of keyframes. After a little trial and error I had found that 30 frames = 1 second on remdered playback using the default settings and it would always shoot from the position I was at on Maya.
As a trial run I decided to make a Tie Fighter run in a straight line across roughly 150 frames (5 seconds) and realized that the Tie Fighter would follow a path smoothly to the positioning in each key frame. This massively helped me understand that the animation of the flight paths was easier than I had expected it to be.
As a side thing I decided to test the differences between Nurbs and Primatives by trying to create basic meteor shapes.
The Nurbs shapes were easier to manipulate in this sense because they had points that could be pulled in a circular pattern, this was better for pulling out when multiple points were selected causing a meteor like shape.